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Meet Ninette Owner & Licensed Esthetician

My holistic skincare journey began when I graduated from the Aveda Institute in Washington DC. Before that, my background was in Human Resources and Mental Health. I’ve always loved taking care of people, honoring what each of us really needs, and making genuine connections.

Q&A with Ninette

Q: What led you to choose a career in this field?

I was led here by faith. I believe we all have talents we are blessed with and pampering others has always been mine. I can remember doing face masks on others when I was 12 years old. I also grew up giving my mom, who was a nurse, a lot of massages. Now, I provide gentle facial massage for clients to promote healthy skin.

Q: What are common skin challenges that people come to see you for?

Hyperpigmentation, acne, and aging are usually the top concern I encounter.

I’ve helped brides clear up acne before their wedding. One of my clients, who used to wear so much makeup to hide her skin, now goes bare. More than the aesthetic side of skincare, I also really enjoy working with women building each other up. As women, we are fed unrealistic images of what we are “supposed to” look like, and I like to break that mold. I aim to celebrate our diversity and also educate my clients on how the skin really acts and ages. I don’t like using a fear tactic to strong-arm someone to take care of themselves. I’d rather just be very transparent and let women know how they can enhance their skin if that interests them.


Q: What’s your approach to treatment?

I always start by asking what my client wants to change or what they don’t like, if anything. I never assume this because we all have different perspectives on what we want or don’t want to work on, so I respect that. I go through a series of questions to see where the root of the problem(s) is stemming from. Together with transparency, we get to the root of the problem(s) and then I recommend products or treatment to address it. I’m honest in my approach. Some things can be fixed quickly while others take time. We come up with a game plan and go from there.

Meet Wally Director of Pawsitivity

As a rescue Wally always sees the brighter perspective. Her mantra is"life is ruff so always pamper yourself!"

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